FAP can organise visits or tours for large or small groups to (for example) see the hippopotamuses and visit island communities on the lake at Baminjin, or to visit the forests. These visits are organised with the local communities, and give visitors a chance to experience the best that the area has to offer while supporting these communities in sustainable ways.
Home stay with Africn families
- The Tubah Ndop Plain ring road is located some 10-60 km east of Bamenda the provincial head quarters of the North West Province of Cameroon. It is situated between the Bamenda – Kumbo ring road.
Yatching in the Baminjin DAM
EcoSystem type and Coverage
- This area contains two ecological zones. The Tubah upland and the Ndop plain wetlands. Vegetation cover of the Tubah upland is made up of a mixture of montane grassland, montane forest and remnants of forest patches along streams. The dominant tree species include Croton, Albizia, Trema, Spactodia, Podocapus, Ficus, Newtonia, Polysias, Combretam Prunus Creater, water birds amongst others.
- This area also contains one interesting crator lake known as Lake Bambili. Many waterfalls, caves and rocks are found within the Tubah upland area.
- The Ndop plain contains amonst others, artifical lake Baminjin, lowland forest and the vegetated rice fields and swamps.
- Local craft of cameroon
Animal Species
- The Tubha upland still hosts a lot of birdlife, including some rare species which are only found in the N.W.Province of Cameroon. These highly threatened birds of the area include amongst others Bannerman’s Turaco and Banded Wattle Eye.
- The area also support of the population of Preus’s Monkeys, White Nose Monkeys and Chimpanzees.
- The Ndop plain host a lot of waterboirds, some of which are migratory species and some threatened.
- In addition, hippopotamuses can be found in Lake Baminjin.
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