FAP NGO Cameroon
Practical trainin on use and management of Solar water pump
Introducing Solar water Pump in Cameroon

Home gardening for income generating activitiesCompost making to obtain organic natural fertilizer
Humaniterian Services (providing livelihood for Internally Displaced people in the Cameroon Anglophone Crisis)
FOREST AND AGROFORESTRY PROMOTERS (FAP NGO) CAMEROON Present head office: Mile 3 Bamenda North West Region
Branch Office: Ndop Ngoketunjia Division
Tel: +237 677839843 email: forestagrofor@yahoo.com, fapngocameroon@yahoo.com
Forest and Agroforestry Promoters (FAP NGO) was created 2001 and legalized with the government of Cameroon on the 9th of March 2004 with reference number: 137/E31/067/SCAB.
FAP’s mission is to promote the sustainable management of the natural and wetland resources in the Western highlands of Cameroon
FAP’s Activities include:
1. Carry out sustainable Agriculture, Agroforestry and livestock practices, watershed/forest protection and management in Cameroon.
2. Facilitation of dialogue processes between the multiple users of natural resources; including Farmers grazers conflicts, farmer and farmer conflicts, village and village conflicts.
3. Carry out Economic empowerment activities and entrepreneurship for Women, Youth and other vulnerable groups and facilitate their participation in natural resources management processes;
4. Promote renewable energy through solar and wind energy in Cameroon
Specific problem and challenges addressed by FAP in her activities
ü Low family incomes.
ü Limited knowledge on entrepreneurship
ü Poor farming practices
ü Uncontrolled exploitation of forest/wetland resources
ü Low capacity of community members to generate income from their resources. (Poor management capacities)
ü Poor leadership within groups and communities.
ü Conflict over the use of wetland and other natural resources.
ü Fast depletion of natural resources due to unsustainable exploitation by rural communities.
ü Increasing effects of climate change affecting communities
Approach to these problems
In order to address these problems, FAP uses gender-sensitive participatory approaches to build the capacities and empower poor community members technically. With this approach, FAP expects to achieve a more equitable access to and control over natural resources within the community, reduce poverty and unemployment, reduce land degradation and the fight against climate change.
FAP focuses on the rural population of Cameroon which constitutes 80% of the total population. The reason for focusing on the rural population is because they depend on natural resources for most of their income generating activities (crop production, livestock rearing including beekeeping, exploitation of timber and non-timber forest products etc). Because of poor organization and poor management capacities of rural communities, land and other natural resources are depleting thereby rendering the population even more poorer and exposed to climate change effects.
FAP NGO is a Member of the following professional bodies and Networks:
- Global Environment Facilities-CSO (GEF-CSO),
- Green Climate Fund (GCF),
- United Nation Convention to Combat desertification (UNCCD-CSO)
- International Analog Forestry Network and Cameroon Analog Forestry Network(IAF and CAFON)
- National Environmental stakeholder Network (NESCAM)
- National Human Human Right CSO organisation Network, (RECHORD)
- North West CSOs Platform
- North West Development organisations (NWADO)
- National Platform Agrosylvo Pastoral and forestry Professionals Producers organisation of Cameroon (PLANOPAC)
FAP NGO experience from projects implemented since creation in 2004
Year |
Description of Project |
Funding partners |
2024 |
Foumbot West Region Cameroon |
Improving the Mbororo Indigenous minority internally displaced persons livelihood in Foumbot. |
Swiss Embassy Cameroon |
2023-2024 |
Bamenda NWR |
Cameroon Renew-ed Building capacities of 200 youths on Renewable energy. |
Europian Union |
2023 |
Tubah subdivision Kedjom ketingoh NWR |
Planting trees to protect water catchment areas in Tubah subdivision |
2023 |
Santa Subdivision |
Promotion of Community Initiatives to Protect Common Interest Resources in Cameroon (waterctchment areas) |
2022 |
Bamendankwe Watershed tree planting |
Planting of 75,000 assorted tree seedlings in 30 hectatres of degraded watercatchment areas Suppoerted by |
Africa’s Top 100 Tree Restoration Projects TerraMatch/AFR100 |
2022 |
Alatening Village around Bali-Gemba forest Reserve |
Watershed biodiversity conservation through beekeeping and sustainable agricultural practices |
New England Biolab Foundation.USA |
2019 to 2020 |
Santa, Babessi and Ndop in NWR Cameroon |
Enhancing Livelihoods and economic opportunities for Vulnerable People in Ngoketunjia and Mezam Division affected by the Anglophone Crises.
SGP-ERM-SGF Grant Project CMR/SGP/ERM SGF/UNDP/19/10 |
2019 to 2020 |
Tubah Sub Division Mezam |
Enhancing sustainable agricultural practices for women and with women to reduce watershed degradation in the Tubah watershed in Mezam Division, North West Region Cameroon. |
2019 to 2020 |
Monie Village Foumbot Subdiv. West Region |
Introducing Solar water pump for irrigation agriculture and cell phone charging in Cameroon. |
Pollination grant USA |
2017-18 |
Ngoketunjia and Mezam NWR Cameroon |
Facilitate small and Medium size enterprises to access funding from Micro finance institution through prospection, financial analysis and education and Business plan development.
Programme for Agricultural and Agri-food Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SPAASME) C2D-French Development agency Funding |
Iluani Village, Ndian Division SW Region |
Protection of five water catchment and training of community members on watercatchment areas protection in I luani Village South West Region |
New England Bio Labs foundation USA |
2017-2018 |
NDOP Ngoketunjia Division |
Carried out Business Diagnoses and the development of business plans for 07 enterprises Cameroon government under the Ministry of small and Medium size enterprises
Support Programme for Agricultural and Agri-food Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SPAASME) C2D-French Development agency Funding |
2014-2015 |
Ndop council area
Executed Neem Tree and market gardening for socio economic development in Ngoketunjia Division. Through training and material support. |
2014-2015 |
Bamessing Ndop |
Protection of five water catchment and training of community members on watercatchment areas protection in Bamessing and Bamali Villages |
New England Bio Labs foundation USA |
2014-2015 |
Bamessing Ndop |
Establishment and training of farmers on Analog Forestry in the Demonstration plot in Bamessing |
IAFN Costa Rica |
2014 |
Resettlement of Lake Nyos gas disaster victims in their village of origin |
2014-2015 |
Ndop Boyo and kumbo Councils |
Supervised data collection for capacity needs on group governance issues and Carried out capacity build for 30 farming groups on group dynamics and leadership |
European Union (PASC) |
2014 |
Ndop council
Supervised Food and Nutuition survey in for children less than 5 years |
Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) |
2013 |
Ndop council |
Supervised problems of low rice production for subsistence farmers in |
Ndop Municipal council |
2013 |
Ndop, babessi and Balikumbat councils |
Supervised the development of Enterprise Development Plans (EDPs) for 07 tree and forest products(NTFP) interest groups in Ngoketunjia division |
FAO/European Union |
2012 |
Ndu, Kumbo and Bafut councils |
Supervised the putting in place water dialogue platforms in three municipal councils in the North West Region |
2011 |
Nwa, Ndu, Ndop, babessi, Balikumbat and Tubah |
Supervised Data collection on the availability of shea trees in the North West Region, supported by SNV |
Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) |
2010 |
Ndop, babessi and Balikumbat councils |
Supervised Data collection Non Wood Forest Products prioritizationand training community members on enterprise development. |
FAO/European Union |
2009 2010 |
DOM forest Noni Subdivision Bui Division |
Resource person for the training of DOM community forest management Institution on Tree nursery establishment, market gardening and Agro forestry |
2008 |
Bafang Ngusi West & S W Regions |
Carried out forest inventory in two community forest in West and South West Region |
Forest Governance Facility |
2008 |
Ndop, babessi and Balikumbat councils |
Assisted Wetland users in the Upper Noun Area in the organization of a dialogue platform for conflict resolution especially during transhumance assisted |
Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) |
2007 |
Ndop, babessi and Balikumbat councils |
Trained farmers and grazers in Ngoketunjia Division conflict identification, resolution and management Trained pastoral users in Ngoketunjia Agro pastoral and land laws in Cameroon Assist farmers and grazers to form farming alliance for a peaceful co-existence in the Division |
Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) |
Facilitate the presentation of Bee loving trees during the FAO training of Trainers on beekeeping. |
FAO/European Union |
2007 |
Ndop council
Trained farmers on tree nursery and Agroforestry supported |
International tree Foundation UK |
2006 |
ELAK council
Carry out socio-economic baseline survey in the Upper Shinga community forest. Executed firefighting, patrolling and the replacement of 1000 eucalyptus trees with prunus in the Upper Shinga Community Forest. (Part of Kilum Mountain forest in Bui Division of the North West Region). |
2006 |
Mezam,Boyo & Ngoketunjia Divisions |
Tree Planting and bee keeping in Bamenda Highlands |
Netherland Embassy |